Weird sidebar behaviour
Hello everyone, when I use columns(x), the sidebar gets messed up in a strange way. I've checked GitHub issues and past questions in this channel, but I couldn't find the answer I'm looking for. If anyone has encountered this issue before and can help me resolve it, I would greatly appreciate it.

6 Replies
Where did you use ColumnSpan?
I don't think I am using it in the wrong place, I am using it as described in the documentation.

In the same way, I am experiencing the same issue on my settings page. By the way, I am very tired and mistakenly wrote columnSpan instead of columns. Sorry about that.

what happens if you hide the logo?
Do you have debug bar installed. I’ve seen it break the layout before due to where it is injected in the page.
No, the debug bar is not installed. The source of the problem is this package: ( So, it’s not an issue with Filament. Sorry for taking up your time.