DOES Filment Import CSV action support QUEUE_CONNECTION = database?
I am trying to use Filament Import action using database connection.
and when trying to import I get a query exection.
Here is the link to it:
Array to string conversion (Connection: mysql, SQL: insert into
, available_at
, created_at
, payload
, queue
, reserved_at
) values (0, 1721233474, 1721233474, {"uuid":"964d46c3-c2a6-4a07-b696-2e04e8eb11de","displayName":"App\Jobs\ImportCSV","job":"Illuminate\Queue\CallQueuedHandler@call","maxTries":null,"maxException...4 Replies
What is your question. There seems to be an error in your script
I just followed the steps to make a import csv functionality.
It works fine when I am using QUEUE_CONNECTION to sync and I get the above error when I set it to database connection.
How did you create your db tables?
I'm having the same problem!
When the configuration is
Works 100%
When I change to
It keeps giving FAIL and I can't debug the error