Error: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: Unknown internal error occurred.
Hi, My Astro SSR project always return error "Error: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: Unknown internal error occurred."
5 Replies
I'm using @astro/cloudflare adapter for Astro
build ID is
Thanks I escalated the thread to Support so someone will look when they can
Hi there! Looking on our end it's not showing a whole lot, going to see if I can reach out to anyone from the pages team to get some additional insight.
So we got a bit more context it looks like the worker is too large!
Thank you @Nolan I'd like more details to feedbackAstro adapter developers:
How can I identify which worker file is too large?
Worker size issues seem common. Could we improve the error message? Many developers encounter this "internal error" without meaningful logs.
How can I identify which worker file is too large?This is one bundle so the entire bundle is too big
Could we improve the error message? Many developers encounter this "internal error" without meaningful logs.We don't see internal error for this often, we only recently saw it surface this way and yep, we'll fix it now we're aware of it