ludusavi cloud save
Ludusavi has an option to use rclone to sny saves to the cloud. back on my garuda system I used to launch ludsavi after any game (steam emulator etc. i did this with a gamemode script) and that would take a differntial of all my saves and sync it to my pcloud
I trying to do the same on bazzite but I got this aftter pointing ludusavi to rclone binary from brew
is this possible to do on bazzite?
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Probably is because by default (don't remember well) the flatpak perms are set to allow $HOME, however because brew binaries are placed at /home/linuxbrew, it won't have access. You will need to add that path to the allowed ones
3 Replies
maybe flatpak permission issue? how did you point to rclone binary?
Probably is because by default (don't remember well) the flatpak perms are set to allow $HOME, however because brew binaries are placed at /home/linuxbrew, it won't have access. You will need to add that path to the allowed ones
yup that was it need to add read perm to