Account Recovery Regarding

Hi guys. It's been 2 years since I played PUBG MOBILE after the ban in my country. The account which I linked in with PUBG MOBILE got deleted (I deleted it because of some personal issues). But my mobile number is still linked with my PUBG MOBILE account. I have raised a claim for recovery via in-game recovery portal for two times and they refused to recover. I'm ready to furnish whatever information is required to recover my account. Could someone help me out ?
Please submit an account recovery claim from the login interface by selecting Help > Login Issue > Account Recovery > Submit Claim. Ensure that the details you provide are accurate, otherwise your claim may be rejected. If your issue is not resolved after receiving a response from the customer service, please post your request here: Remember to include a description, your numeric user identification and a screenshot of the customer service conversation....
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11 Replies
Piston8mo ago
Please submit an account recovery claim from the login interface by selecting Help > Login Issue > Account Recovery > Submit Claim. Ensure that the details you provide are accurate, otherwise your claim may be rejected. If your issue is not resolved after receiving a response from the customer service, please post your request here: Remember to include a description, your numeric user identification and a screenshot of the customer service conversation.
>_Santhosh Parthiban_<
Sir, I have submitted claim two times and they refused to recover. I furnished details which I know at this point, as of today. Questions were asked stating "In the past 6 months" but I lost access to my account since 2022. As you have said I have posted each and every details I know in the mentioned Reddit Server, today morning.
Piston8mo ago
Please wait patiently for a response.
>_Santhosh Parthiban_<
Sure sir. Thanks in advance.
>_Santhosh Parthiban_<
@Piston someone DMed my right after I posted the post on Reddit. Should I trust this ? He eventually deleted the messages he posted. I suspect that this is a scam.
No description
Piston8mo ago
This is a scammer.
>_Santhosh Parthiban_<
Alright sir. Thank you. I'll refrain from him.
Error8mo ago
What is your numeric user identification, @Saintsfrow?
>_Santhosh Parthiban_<
UID: 5335999309 USERNAME: Saintsfrow
Error8mo ago
Thank you. Please keep an eye on your ticket.
>_Santhosh Parthiban_<
The linked Email ID is [email protected] and this Email ID is no longer available. My current Email ID is [email protected]. Yes sir. I have raised a query in addition to the response I received, Sir. Please check and help me in this regard. Thanks in advance. I'm ready to provide futhermore information needed for my account recovery. I can't give my Email and Mobile Number in public. I could provide in Private Message as it could help you with recoery.

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