Using disabledOn('edit') with fieldsets seems to make the fields empty on save
I did the same for a bunch of standard fields (Select, TextInput etc) and they work as expected. My goal is to make everything except two TextInput readonly when on the Edit form. Would also be happy to know if there are other ways to achieve this besides disabledOn('edit'). Thank you
5 Replies
Was kinda able to bypass the issue by having this in the Edit class:
Unsure if this is the proper way to deal with this tho
I have a feeling you are not casting your income repeater to an array within the model hence why it's looking empty possibly.
Hi, I cast it like so actually:
And just to be clear when I said its empty, I see $data['income'] == []
Is this in a custom livewire component?
Nope. Standard Resource Form altho the form itself is quite nested