Filament7mo ago

Removal of scrollbar in the sidebar

Hey all, on some smaller screens the resources in my sidebar are to much to be in one view. So a scrollbar appears. Is there any way to make it hidden. I have already tried the following but nothing seems to be happening.
.fi-sidebar::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;

.fi-sidebar {
-ms-overflow-style: none;
scrollbar-width: none;
.fi-sidebar::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;

.fi-sidebar {
-ms-overflow-style: none;
scrollbar-width: none;
Any help would be appreciated!
2 Replies
Vp7mo ago
Not sure what exactly you want, but check this package https://filamentphp.com/plugins/aymanalhattami-slim-scrollbar
Slim Scrollbar by Ayman Alhattami - Filament
A simple package to make the application's scrollbars slim.
TjielOP7mo ago
I want to make the scrollbar hidden (or try to change the style so it fits the rest of the pages styling better). But ill have a look at your recomended package, maybe I could use it to achieve my goal.

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