Mirage is enabled on a free plan without an option to disable
Mirage is enabled on one of my sites on the Cloudflare free plan, and there is no option to disable it. I tried switching it off via the API and received a "not allowed" error. I put in a ticket a few days back but haven't heard back from the support team. Please guide me on how to switch it off.

2 Replies
What's the ticket number?
Hi, the ticket number is 3335402
Just checking in for an update. Is there anything I can do from my side to turn this off?
I tried to upgrade to the Pro plan for a month so I could turn off Mirage, but the payment doesn't go through either through CC or PayPal. 🤦 A couple years back I had to move my domains to another registrar because I couldn't pay Cloudflare to renew them. Thought this would have been resolved by now, but apparently not.