About the silver Venetian chain bracelet
I want a silver bracelet with a Venetian chain like this, please tell me your recommended brand.
3 Replies
I'm 95% sure this is a box chain (they're sometimes called venetian box chains but I can't tell from this pic). These are super common, Sarraf is my rec, they're a wholesaler so they're website sucks but their prices and quality are good. You could also buy on eBay or ask your local jeweler to order you one.
I'm imagining a guy like this.
I'll look into Salaf.
Can't you try it out if it's a local jeweler?
Yeah, that's a box chain
I'd guess around 1.5 mm thick based on the first pic. If you go to a local jeweler they might have some in stock you can try on but it won't be the cheapest option.