Filament8mo ago

Table Builder update data using Livewire 3

I am trying to update the information of a Table, from another table doing a dispatch the information arrives correctly to showCollegeList, but the resetTable is not done, that is to say, the query is not updated. <?php namespace App\Livewire\Insights; use App\Models\CollegeList as CollegeListModel; use App\Traits\CollegeTrait; use App\Traits\MyListTrait; use App\Traits\NotificationTrait; use Archilex\AdvancedTables\AdvancedTables; use Archilex\AdvancedTables\Livewire\Page; use Filament\Forms\Concerns\InteractsWithForms; use Filament\Forms\Contracts\HasForms; use Filament\Tables\Actions\Action; use Filament\Tables\Columns\TextColumn; use Filament\Tables\Table; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth; class CollegeList extends Page implements HasForms { use AdvancedTables, InteractsWithForms, NotificationTrait, MyListTrait, CollegeTrait; public $list; public $list_id; protected $listeners = ['showCollegeList']; public function showCollegeList($list_id) { $user = Auth::user(); $this->list_id = $list_id; $this->list = $this->getMyList($user->id, $list_id); $this->resetTable(); } public function table(Table $table): Table { return $table ->query(CollegeListModel::query()->where('list_id', $this->list_id)->with('colleges')) ->columns([ TextColumn::make('colleges.name')->label('Name'), ]) ->emptyStateHeading('No College Lists yet') ->emptyStateDescription('Once you create your first list, it will appear here.') ->emptyStateActions([ Action::make('create') ->label('Add new list') ->icon('heroicon-m-plus') ->button()->action(function ($livewire, $record) { $this->openModal(); }) ]); }
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