Filament2mo ago

Hook for FileUpload field when file removed? (X Clicked to remove)

I have the following field:
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state) {
// Do stuff here...
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state) {
// Do stuff here...
It works when expected when uploading an image as ->afterStateUpdated() is fired, however when I click the (X) to remove the photo the ->afterStateUpdated() does not fire. Is there something I'm missing, or is there another hook I can use to run code when the image/upload is removed?
12 Replies
awcodes2mo ago
What do you need to run? Until the form is saved it won’t be moved to permanent storage. And the tmp storage in livewire is garbage collected every 24 hours.
CGM2mo ago
I'm trying to apply 'live' branding to a page so a user can see their edits in real time. When the image is removed I want to fire an event that re-sets a 'base/default' image immedatly so they can see what their settings current look like.
awcodes2mo ago
Ie, // do stuff here matters. 😆
CGM2mo ago
Lol, indeed. Here is what I have for the 'adding the image' part. 🙂
$this->dispatch('applyThemeHeader', [
'logo' => $state->temporaryUrl(),
'location' => $this->locationId
$this->dispatch('applyThemeHeader', [
'logo' => $state->temporaryUrl(),
'location' => $this->locationId
That works exactly as intended. 🙂 It's when the image is removed, I cant get the afterStateUpdated() to fire. I've tried dd/dump to see if it was my dispatch stuff, but nothing fires.
awcodes2mo ago
Ok, so you’ll need something custom for that to allow for serving at least a blob since the tep directly isn’t publicly accessible.
CGM2mo ago
Really all i need is a place to put code when the X is clicked. lol. before saving that is.
awcodes2mo ago
I don’t think removing an item will triggering a Lw update in this context since the state at that point is managed on the alpine side.
CGM2mo ago
Is it possible filepond has JS hooks that are fired when that x is clicked to remove the image? That could get me moving in the right direction I suppose.
awcodes2mo ago
I don’t think so, but dive the code.
CGM2mo ago
Will do. I think I have a path forward. 🙂 Thank you @awcodes ! Found it!
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
document.addEventListener('FilePond:removefile', function(event) {
console.log('Event fired:', event.type);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
document.addEventListener('FilePond:removefile', function(event) {
console.log('Event fired:', event.type);
Thanks again for your help!
gds2mo ago
Hi @CGM, I'm new to filament and wanted also to get the state when the image upload starts to disable some action buttons. Unfortunately, beforeStateUpdated is not supported by FileUpload component. Perhaps, I could use your solution, but I'm not sure how can I integrate that script. Thanks upfront! ok, found out, I had to add into my AppServiceProvider.php:
public function boot(): void
fn (): string => view('filament.forms.components.file-upload-hooks')->render()
public function boot(): void
fn (): string => view('filament.forms.components.file-upload-hooks')->render()
And store script into my resources accordingly. Now need to figure out which events I need 🙂
CGM2mo ago
@gds That's great! Here is where I found the event I needed. https://pqina.nl/filepond/docs/api/instance/events/
Easy File Uploading With JavaScript | FilePond
A JavaScript library that can upload anything you throw at it, optimizes images for faster uploads, and offers a great, accessible, silky smooth user experience.
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