Is it possible to make these pants slightly slimmer near the waist?
I want to make these pants slightly more fit/slimmer near the waist and hips. They're custom made slacks that I wanted to rock in casual fits. The arrows indicate the part I want to get the slacks tightened at. I got another pair (as seen in the second attachment).
I have a follow up question btw, if getting the hips slightly slimmer is possible, is it also possible to tighten the lower part of the "seat", near the thighs? I just want to remove the excess fabric but still want to keep the overall dress pant-ish look that the second pants sort of lack imo.
PS: I am not going to a tailor because I live in india and alteration tailors earn little to nothing here. Its possible he might just agree to do the job but ruin my pants. I am not sure where to find experienced and professional alteration tailors in my city (South East Delhi, India) so if you are from here as well and might know where to find a professional alteration tailor that does a clean and honest job, please let me know.
14 Replies
I suspect the issue here is not that the hips need slimmed but that the back rise is too long. Hard to tell without unposed pics from the side and back tho
what is the back rise?
ah i googled
is that fixable?
i do think that may be the case as well
here is another pic
yes its posted but
i dont have any unposed ones
another pic
This doesn't look like an issue in the hip to me tbh, like I said it's tough to tell without neutral standing pics from the side and back
You can probably get rid of most of the ballooning just by hiking them up in the back
so what do i have to do now? get the back rise fixed?
is that possible without ruining the pants
Maybe, I can’t see
i dont have more pics
and i cant take pics of myself from the back
ill go to a taillor tomorrow
You can set your phone in a cup or mug and use the self-timer
will try that tomorrow
its late rn
It's something I would have a decent tailor do but it's totally possible yes. Idk what tailors are like where you are
It depends but usually altering tailors are cheap and the less skilled ones
what do u recommend i say to the tailor tomorrow?
idk I'm not sure exactly what the problem is. You could try reducing the back rise and letting out the crotch a bit but I can't say without seeing. It might also take a bit of iteration