Filamentā€¢8mo ago

Order TextColumn relationship results by desc

this might be an easy thing but I can't find a way to do it šŸ˜… as shown in the screenshot, I have a TextColumn that loads results from a relationship. So there might be multiple years. I would like to order them by desc, so that the latest year appears as first. How do I do that?
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26 Replies
Vpā€¢8mo ago
Easiest way will be orderBy() in relationship itself imo
zemoOPā€¢8mo ago
like this? I did try that but it doesn't work
public function subscriptionYear(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(SubscriptionYear::class)->orderBy('year', 'desc');
public function subscriptionYear(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(SubscriptionYear::class)->orderBy('year', 'desc');
I will look into the other thing you recommended me, thank you!
Vpā€¢8mo ago
yeah this is what i have in mind, don't know why it not works šŸ˜†
zemoOPā€¢8mo ago
I did try this but it seems it only works on the single instance, there isn't a way to work on all of them (the array of instances)
micrauxā€¢8mo ago
Hi, Maybe by customizing the query?
->modifyQueryUsing(function (Builder $query) {
->modifyQueryUsing(function (Builder $query) {
zemoOPā€¢8mo ago
"Method Filament\Tables\Columns\TextColumn::modifyQueryUsing does not exist." I think that modifyQueryUsing can only be used as a parameter when you call the relationship() method, but TextColumn doesn't have that option
micrauxā€¢8mo ago
Not in the textColumn! Read again, the first line: $table Oh, forget it, you don't want to reorder the table, my bad...
Vpā€¢8mo ago
Im on mobile rn, cannot check the code.. but what if you exclude .year in make()? By default filament displays all, so it should give arrays in somehow
micrauxā€¢8mo ago
I just tried VP's solution and it works: you can add an orderBy() in your BelongsToMany() relation. Can you show your Resource code (especially the relation)?
zemoOPā€¢8mo ago
yes, I really don't understand why it's not working šŸ˜… even debugbar is showing the correct query, but the results are not actually ordered:
select * from `subscription_years` where `subscription_years`.`id` in (1, 2, 6) order by `year` desc
select * from `subscription_years` where `subscription_years`.`id` in (1, 2, 6) order by `year` desc
this is the relationship, in Subscription.php:
public function subscriptionYear(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(SubscriptionYear::class)->orderBy('year', 'desc');
public function subscriptionYear(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(SubscriptionYear::class)->orderBy('year', 'desc');
micrauxā€¢8mo ago
So, try to call only the relation and the field, like this: Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('subscriptionYear.year')
zemoOPā€¢8mo ago
forgot to mention, I'm in a resource called subject, which has an HasMany relationship called subscriptions, which has a BelongsTo relationship called subscriptionYear that's why I'm calling both no luck with that either only thing I can think of is that it is not working cos it's a nested relationship
LeandroFerreiraā€¢8mo ago
Could you share the subscriptions relationship? Did you try ->orderByDesc('year') in the subscription relationship?
zemoOPā€¢8mo ago
in Subject.php
public function subscriptions()
return $this->hasMany(Subscription::class);
public function subscriptions()
return $this->hasMany(Subscription::class);
just tried what you suggested and the result is the same, it doesn't work even if debugbar shows the correct query in Subscription.php
public function subscriptionYear(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(SubscriptionYear::class)->orderByDesc('year');
public function subscriptionYear(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(SubscriptionYear::class)->orderByDesc('year');
Vpā€¢8mo ago
Then cache?
zemoOPā€¢8mo ago
also thought about that, no luck šŸ« 
Vpā€¢8mo ago
What did you get in subscriptions and subscriptionYear
zemoOPā€¢8mo ago
what do you mean exactly?
Vpā€¢8mo ago
what kind of data is return when you call subscription or subsYear
zemoOPā€¢8mo ago
what's the variable I have to do the dd() for (or use laravel ray, I also have that)? that stores the incoming data
Vpā€¢8mo ago
zemoOPā€¢8mo ago
where should I put the dd()? the place where I put it is only showing me the properties of the first instance of the resource model (subject, which doesn't have the subscriptionYears)
Vpā€¢8mo ago
I usually put inside like the link i sent, maybe filament will not load the relationships, so you can manually doing by modifyQueryUsing() in the $table for checking You can do (Model $record, $state) to get the data and dd('$record')
zemoOPā€¢8mo ago
placing it into formatStateUsing() worked!!! placing it into other places (like modifyQueryUsing() wasn't working) even in the dd(), they're not ordered what I get is the first instance of the SubjectResource table, with the subscriptions relation and each istance of the subscriptions. In each subscription instance, I have the subscriptionYear relation.
Vpā€¢8mo ago
modifyQueryUsing() is meant for loading realtionship just in case šŸ™‚ You need to debug each line šŸ˜…

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