Cannot complete Captcha
Curious if anyone can help me with an issue ...
Purchased a new laptop and a couple sites I go to use Clourflare to verify you are human via a captcha that I cannot complete. I get the message, but the captcha box doesn't appear.
I have turned off all extensions. Not connected to a VPN. Rebooted laptop. Cleared all cache. Cleared specific site data. Used incognito. Nothing is working. Used both Chrome and Edge.
Tried creating a new account on Cloudflare to use the community forums, but same thing, cannot complete the verify human captcha to complete registration.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
48 Replies
Any errors in the browser console?
I see one error "Content Security Policy of your site blocks the use of 'eval' in JavaScript"
@Idle @Erisa Any ideas on what to do?
All my research on the is comment show how to fix from the dev side, nothing from the client pov.
What type of browser are you using?
the Content-Security-Policy header is served by the site you are visiting and in the header it is specified whether
is allowed or not.
It seems like the site you are visiting disallows eval
(or perhaps a plugin in your browser is modifying the header?)
but it also seems like a captcha or other verification resource on the site requires eval
in order to function...Hmm I have something like this too but it shows the captcha, loads for so long and tells to me to refresh the page if not working, after refreshing it doesn't fix anything. It does that on every site so I can not just go into any website because of that. I use remote desktop to connect to someones pc to look at some websites, which is not good
Tried both Chrome and Edge
If it were just the one site, I'd understand. But it's all sites I've visited using Cloudflare. So it clearly has to be something through them.
Hm privacy setting on strict?
Nope. set on default which is medium I believe
Hm Strange :0047k3lly_think:
Thinking it also might be a setting in my Java Script settings, but cannot find anything in the settings I've searched through.
I know that Turnstile is for me a bit tooo strict but that's something completely different I guess
Exactly. Seems like others that have had the issue have resolved but can't figure out what they did.
Probably an extension?
Extensions are usually the number 1 callout. But I've disabled all extensions. And that didn't work.
Next step will be to just remove all extensions rather than just disable to see if that does anything. 🤷♂️ 🤦♂️
Hm :0047k3lly_think:
Is there something in the logs or network tab?
I'll have to check again. I didn't notice anything before.
This is the only thing I notice in the network tab...

As far as the even logs, I don't see anything out of the ordinary, but honestly not sure what I should be looking for.
Second, I'm currently having fun on the Unreal Engine Discord Server
no worries. Take your time. Appreciate the assistance.
Have to step away for awhile anyway. 🙂
Its now a bit silent. Was fun to watch to server going down
thats really weird.
And that's just with turnstile?
Cloudflares reCaptcha
yes, correct
Any website that uses it, I have not been able to access. Including Cloudlare itself.

too lazy to type it again
I've done that, but can try it again.
That still didn't work
Actually going to delete all of my extensions rather than just disable to see if that helps
I don't think that Chaika or Erisa is lurking into that chat :thinkHeadSideWaysCutePondering:
Nope. that didn't help either
Erisa message initially but hasn't followed up unfortunately
Crap ... just realized deleting the extension on my new laptop just deleted them off my old one too! F#$%
Ok ... got that all sorted out. I'm going to bed now. Will try again tmr.
@Erisa Any thoughts on this?
On so many websites, it doesn't think I am human

when I click it, keeps loading, then the same box appears again unchcked
(using chrome)
which chrome version are you on, and are you using any plugins?
Version 127.0.6533.89 (Official Build) (64-bit)
plugins yes (adblock)
issue is still there
tried adblock off as well
have you tried a different browser
working on firefox
but why not on chrome?
chrome doesn't make a human :NotLikeThis:
i'm on the same build and haven't encountered any issues with turnstile. maybe check the console if something is blocking turnstile from requesting a challenge?
how? sorry, not a programmer
some websites work (even with cloudflare human verification thingy).. but 2 keep having issues especially.. qupra and one more (forgot which one)
then i'm more inclined to say that the issue lies with the websites and not with you
arrgh, why is cloudflare getting more wierd every day
cant log into cloudflare now (on Brave browser)
tried turning shields off as well
"verify you are human" keeps loading, then becoems unchecked