Filament9mo ago

Collapse All Table Row Groups By Default

im trying to figure out if there is a way to collapse all groups by default in a filament table with groups + summaries is it possible? https://github.com/filamentphp/filament/discussions/10717
19 Replies
ericmpOP8mo ago
tim.lalev8mo ago
Had a similar use case and couldn’t find a way to collapse groups on default. However I managed to create a satisfactory workaround. Ditch the filament groups. Modify the query. Add a custom view column containing a collapsible panel and put your group contents inside. You’ll need to handle summary logic yourself As added benefit you can lazy load the desired group content only when expanded so the table will be much faster
ericmpOP8mo ago
hmm. @tim.lalev can u give me a little example on how to start implementing it plz?
tim.lalev8mo ago
Sure For the table columns you can do something like that:
// Add any visible columns here
Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('block_id')->label('Trip Block'),

// All Collapsable content goes inside a custom view column

// Add any visible columns here
Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('block_id')->label('Trip Block'),

// All Collapsable content goes inside a custom view column

Inside the collapsible custom view column you would put a livewire component responsible for handling the group data. Make sure to generate a unique livewire key otherwise it will glitch when you collapse/expand the content. Here is an example:
<div class="flex max-w-max">
@livewire('trip-leg', ['trip_id' => $getRecord()->id, ,key($getRecord()->id.'-'.Str::uuid()) 'lazy' => true])
<div class="flex max-w-max">
@livewire('trip-leg', ['trip_id' => $getRecord()->id, ,key($getRecord()->id.'-'.Str::uuid()) 'lazy' => true])
When you add the 'lazy' => true then livewire will load the content only when visible on the screen (which happens when you expand the column content)
ericmpOP8mo ago
thanks for the workaround. but then, if i do it this way, the items inside the split lose the label, how u handle that?
tim.lalev8mo ago
Ah yeah so for labels you have multiple options. The simplest is to use description() instead of a label.
tim.lalev8mo ago
It accepts a second parameter for posittion that can eaither be 'above' or 'below' The other option is to return an infolist from the livewire componet so that you can structure is however you want You can even render a whole new table from the livewire component if you really need lots of structured data to be shown
tim.lalev8mo ago
Here is a sample of an infolist returned by the livewire component for expanded section
No description
ericmpOP8mo ago
looks really cool
tim.lalev8mo ago
Looks nice and performance is really good
ericmpOP8mo ago
it reminds me like a modal, but is like inside the row. lets see if i manage to get something similar. so far, thanks, really appreciate it
tim.lalev8mo ago
You are welcome! Share your results
ericmpOP8mo ago
yeah for sure
tim.lalev8mo ago
I felt alone in the universe when trying to figure it out hahah good luck
mttt6mo ago
Me and @Min Min Tun faced a similar issue and found a quick solution by extending the Filament vendor file vendor/filament/tables/resources/views/components/group/header.blade.php. Then replace
@if ($collapsible)
@if ($collapsible)
@if ($collapsible)
x-init="collapsed = @js($title) ? toggleCollapseGroup(@js($title)) : false"
x-on:click="collapsed = !collapsed; toggleCollapseGroup(@js($title))"
@if ($collapsible)
x-init="collapsed = @js($title) ? toggleCollapseGroup(@js($title)) : false"
x-on:click="collapsed = !collapsed; toggleCollapseGroup(@js($title))"
This ensures that all groups are collapsed by default.
mttt6mo ago
No description

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