nice!view not respecting config flags

I just finished building a corne with nice!nano and nice!views. Everything is working as expected, and the views work, but they don't seem to respect my display config flags in my .conf file and instead just show what seem to be the default config settings. Can anyone tell if I'm missing something? My config is below.
GitHub - hendstephen/zmk-config
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5 Replies
TyperAI9mo ago
I'd be happy to help you troubleshoot the issue with your nice!view not respecting your config flags. First, let's make sure that your .conf file is being read correctly by ZMK. Have you tried resetting your keyboard after updating your config file? Sometimes, the changes don't take effect until you reset the board. Next, double-check that your config file is in the correct location and that the file name matches the expected format (e.g., zmk.conf). If that doesn't work, try checking the ZMK documentation for any specific requirements or formatting for the display config flags. It's possible that there's a specific syntax or ordering that needs to be followed. Lastly, you can try checking the ZMK troubleshooting page for any common issues related to display config flags not being respected. If none of these suggestions help, feel free to provide more details about your config file and setup, and I can try to help you further!
Nicell9mo ago
@hendstephen I don't see what config values you're trying to set?
hendstephenOP9mo ago
I was looking at the config values listed here, but I guess the invert flag is the only one currently supported by the nice!view shield?
Display Configuration | ZMK Firmware
See the displays feature page for more details.
hendstephenOP9mo ago
Mainly I just want to get rid of the WPM readout
Nicell9mo ago
correct you could use the non-custom screen if you want

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