how to get nickname tags

So I’ve seen top 100 in these 4v4 popularity battles and I was wondering how I can get them. I know that I just need to send 50k popularity to the people who are the original owners of them. But I’m noticing people who donated 50k+ only have the regular nickname instead of the cool level 6 nick tag. Any help? If I donate now do I get it?
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You can find more information regarding this from your Player Profile > Settings > Nickname Badge > About Levels.
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4 Replies
🐯👽  ᗷᓍᘻ
I’m noticing some have the maxed out and some don’t please help?!
You can find more information regarding this from your Player Profile > Settings > Nickname Badge > About Levels.
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🐯👽  ᗷᓍᘻ
So if I send them now I get it right? Ehhhh I’ll just yolo it and see if I get the dang level 6 nickname Thanks Nadia ❤️
If they are already at level 6, then yes.