Dynamic Dropdown Not Working In Repeater

Hi everyone, I'm facing an issue with a dynamic dropdown in a Repeater within a Filament form. Here's the relevant code: return $form ->schema([ Tabs::make('Tabs') ->tabs([ Tab::make('Basic Info') ->icon('heroicon-m-circle-stack') ->schema([ Select::make('brand_id') ->label('Brand') ->options(Brand::all()->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray()) ->live() ->searchable() ->preload() ->afterStateUpdated(function (Set $set) { $set('store_type_id', null); }), Repeater::make('purfDualScreenPosImages') ->label('') ->relationship() ->schema([ Select::make('store_type_id') ->label('Store Type') ->options(function (callable $get) { return StoreType::query() ->where('brand_id', $get('brand_id')) ->pluck('name', 'id'); }) ->searchable() ->preload(), ]) ->addActionLabel('Add Dual Screen POS') ->columnSpanFull(), ]), ]) ->activeTab(1) ->columnSpanFull(), ]); The Problem: The store_type_id dropdown in the Repeater is supposed to update based on the selected brand_id, but it remains static and does not reflect the dynamic options as intended. Steps Taken I tried to move it outside repeater and its work properly. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
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2 Replies
LeandroFerreira9mo ago
Bimby13OP9mo ago
Thank you it is working now. You saved my day!

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