Worker Paid plan & Exceeded CPU Limits

Hi, I used Free Plan and got lots of 503 and upon checking, I saw in Function metrics, it is all caused by "Exceeded CPU Limits". I decided to pay for the Paid plan hoping that I will get higher CPU. But still I got lots of 503 (it is reduced but still a lot). Do I need to redeploy or do something? Anyone can help with more enlightenment? Thanks.
3 Replies
KodomeisterOP9mo ago
Additional info: I used Nuxt 3 on Pages (automatic deployment using Github)
Erisa9mo ago
And the functions metrics definitely show that the new ones are cpu exceeded as well? because there are many things 503/530 can be
KodomeisterOP9mo ago
Yes, the only errors shown in Functions metric are only CPU Exceeded. BTW, I decided to redeploy the code (delete worker and create new one), it is clear now, no error 503. Can I say that when we purchase the Worker Paid plan, we need to redeploy the code? It's been 24 hours with zero error now.

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