Locked out of cloudflare account, password resets are not sending an email and all websites are down
I reset my password a few days ago, made sure to write it down and I have saved it in my password manager, however last night one of my subdomains went down and was not working.
I put this off to potentially my own internet since it was being iffy however, when trying to access another service on another one of my domains it is also down.
After this I tried to access my Cloudflare account and it wont let me log in to the account with the password I am sure is correct and email that is correct. The error code I get is 1022 the password and email do not match.
Along with this when trying to reset my password (I know the email I am attempting this one is correct) it never sends me an email. To ensure it wasn't on my end I attempted a password reset for my other Cloudflare account and that received an email almost instantly.
Since I do not have access to the Cloudflare account that has the issue how can I receive any support on it?
I also just saw the status post about account login issues however this seemingly started last night around 9pm UTC hence me asking now.
I need to try and figure this out asap to get services back online, however do not know the next steps to try and take
46 Replies
I also just saw the status post about account login issues however this seemingly started last night around 9pm UTC hence me asking now.Reports started happening way before that status post, some as early as yesterday
ah okay so is it just a wait and hope it resolves situation?
I think so, although I can understand why it's super urgent from your point of view. There is always https://dash.cloudflare.com/login-help for submitting account restoration tickets even without being able to login, but it takes a few business days at least
yeah that's the reason I attempted the reddit page and here first hoping there might be a faster method for resolution
i appreciate the help though, i will go through and click send on the login help report page that i had filled out prior responses here
fwiw people reported the exact same stuff here: https://community.cloudflare.com/t/account-seems-deleted-business-down/679817, same error code and being unable to reset. That was what was escalated and created that status page
the last update on that status page was just
As part of Cloudflare's ongoing efforts to address suspected malicious activity, we have received reports that we may have improperly deactivated some legitimate accounts. We are actively working on this. Updates will follow shortly
yeah I did a little trawl around before coming here in hope that some may have already been resolved if that makes sense, do you think I should try tag in on that post? Seems to have occurred around the same time as mine happened too
ah never mind the page has been closed an hour ago
not sure why they locked it but no I don't think posting on there would necessarily help, this seems to be a wider issue and something they're going to have to fix in mass anyway
I suppose we'll just have to see what they say on the status page though.
(in case it helps to clarify, green names are community members who can escalate some things but aren't CF Employees. I know as much as is said on the status page, they didn't say anything of interest on that escalation either)
yeah makes sense, i guess its way wider than just a few odd accounts, wonder if it has something to do with API usage. Had to setup a script for DDNS on one of my home servers which I am using with my team for development however I talked to someone in a similar situation as me and they said as long as updates were at least 5 minutes apart it wouldn't likely cause issues
yeah that makes a lot of sense, i was assuming as such but i appreciate the help from you a load has helped me understand the situation a bit better which i am grateful for. Hopefully it just gets sorted out sooner than later
Maybe but I have a free account which is doing a script update once a minute and no issues
your ddns script shouldn't be updating that much either, mostly just reading and only updating on ip change which can't be that frequent
ah yeah i guess not then, just made a little sense since i only set that script up working the other day and then this happens
you caused it for everyone /s
yeah it isnt just mostly reading but have it set for 5mins to ensure i dont have too much downtime in the case of a change. LOL yeah i caused the entire of cloudflares account system to die
yea that should be fine, idk what the cause of this is exactly but they said the deactivations were improper anyway
ah okay so hopefully no requiring of making all those records and setups all over again then?
yea, your account should just be restored, you may have to reset your password but I don't think(?) that automatically rolls your global api key and shouldn't touch tokens if you're using one of them
I'm just quoting what they said in the status post:
As part of Cloudflare's ongoing efforts to address suspected malicious activity, we have received reports that we may have improperly deactivated some legitimate accounts. We are actively working on this. Updates will follow shortly
yeah i just saw their update now about them having identified the accounts, hopefully its nothing much to fix at least if the account is restored itll be less work to fix things than to have to start over on a new account
looks like they closed it out with:
We have restored a batch of accounts, and we will continue to respond individual instances of deactivated legitimate accounts.was your account/restored fixed?
yeah my account has become accessable again, howevre all domains and rules are no longer in the account. I had Cloudflare_Tim message me over on my reddit post and told me to let him know if it hasnt resolved by later today. That was about 4 hours ago and it still hasnt updated now
Tim Cloonan did? Was that reply after you said the rest wasn't restored? If you made/make a community post about it I could reference it in the existing escalation
ill send you the reddit post link https://www.reddit.com/r/CloudFlare/comments/1dtpd7f/locked_out_of_cloudflare_account_password_resets/
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would you like me to make a post on the cloudflare community section under general on my account that has the issue? or would a post like that be enough for escalation? im assuming it probably has to be internal to escalate
would you like me to make a post on the cloudflare community section under general on my account that has the issue?Yes, that would be enough, just explaining what you said in the reddit thread/could copy most of it. There's an escalation on the forums about it already, I just wanted something to link to, to ask for more updates on it, and having a post created lets them access/cross-reference the cf account directly form your community. For what it's worth, you have my sympathy about this whole issue, really not handled well imo, should have all been restored within hours in a perfect world, or at the very least they shouldn't have closed out the status post if none of the zones are restored. It seems like they're restoring stuff from a backup. I'm not sure how much I can do to help, but I can at the very least attempt to raise it again and get updates on it
yet again I appreciate all of your help, ill setup a new post now on the community. which section do I put it under?
And yeah I appreciate the fact that its a really complicated system for them to try and restore, my only question is how it occurred in the first place especially since I noticed a lot of other services went out not long after too.
And in a perfect world yeah it wouldn't have happened at all but we all know we don't live in one LOL
yet again I appreciate all of your help, ill setup a new post now on the community. which section do I put it under?general's fine
my only question is how it occurred in the first place especially since I noticed a lot of other services went out not long after too.yea... sounds like they just nuked everything related to your account, instantly
yeah its a bit wild, I mean I understand their wanting to try and stop whatever was occurring but it doesn't seem like this was the correct method, almost like they jumped the gun a little with it..
Anyway I'm making the post now
https://community.cloudflare.com/t/account-restored-yet-all-domains-missing/680773?u=rhysmhopkins hopefully this is enough description on the post to allow it to be useful for this
i also let CloudFlare_Tim on thar r/CloudFlare discord know about the post on the community since he mentioend letting him know if it hadnt resolved too. Hope this is fine
Thanks! Yea that's fine, I just mentioned it on the private escalation thread, we'll see. Looks like someone else hit the same thing as well
That's great, and yeah would it be better to not make any further comments in this community post thread unless requested? I was also assured on the reddit that Tim would check internally about the issue
yeah would it be better to not make any further comments in this community post thread unless requestedI don't think that really matters but what would you comment unless you had more information?
I was also assured on the reddit that Tim would check internally about the issueTim is Cloonan on the community, he helps out on both ends, he'll probably see them both. Community Forums is more direct/there's a pathway for updates and you've already got a +1 from someone else which helps
I appreciate all the help and yeah hopefully it'll be resolved sooner than later for all of us who have the issues
sorry for the run around, tim cloonan responded saying he wants us to push people to account tickets, anyone can open an account ticket even on free: https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/support. Don't worry about getting the perfect details or anything, just the gist and ticket #
copy paste from my last ticket okay?
did you already have a ticket open?
and which subsection of account support does he want it out into?

uh i think i went through and submitted a ticked for it yesterday with my account that was having the issues email put in but from my second account
you mean the login-help stuff? That's different
I think Account Management -> Other would be the best fit. It doesn't matter too much, they'll move if needed
ah yeah it probably was login help not account support, my apologies, ill go through and fill this out now
it goes to ask if it is domain affected, which this of course is however, the only way to add them is to select ones from your account (which my account technically doesn't have any so they don't show up) Would selecting no cause an issue with them finding it?
Ticket created, Ticket ID: 3327856
it'd be more confusing if you did select one and say "this is missing" lol
yeah you aint wrong LOL, common sense for me has started to go out the window already tonight, one of those days yk
all good, I'm sure this all doesn't help. I made a separate escalation for that ticket, hopefully they can pass it right to eng who can restore it without much more fanfare.
Did you have any domains using CF Registrar/are they missing, or was it all just normal dns zones?
only like 4 separate domains, only 2 were really in use though so not the biggest hassle I hope. And none were using Cloudflare as the registrar just have them pointing to Cloudflare nameservers
resolved now, got informed to re-add my zones to my account and they recaptured the prior settings properly
interesting, thanks for proxying their response, makes some sense as even manually deleted zones retain their settings for a bit, wonder if they had to do anything special for it to come back
hopefully only the accts using registrar require manual intervention then
yeah i wonder too, i mean if they did im glad i didnt just try add them back when getting impatient for a response
and yeah hopefully itll be the fix for anyone who had an issue just like mine, i put the response onto the community support thread so hopefully people may see that there too
yea, think it's better you waited anyway as it could have messed with their restore or complicated things
yeah exactly my thoughts and reason i didnt, i didnt want to lead to it taking even more time because of something i'd done
well happy to see it's resolved for you now, sucks it took a while, holidays didn't help. I'll mark this thread as solved, hopefully CF learns from this in the future and such incidents do not reoccur
yeah hopefully there aren't any repeats, yet again thank you to you and the entire team for still solving this issue even with all of the setbacks i'd expect were experienced