Unable to upgrade to 3.12.2 using nuxt

I'm running a nuxt 3 monorepo using turborepo. All my packages are currently at 3.11.2. When I try to run pnpx nuxi@latest upgrade, it ends up finding 3.11.2 as the latest version. How can I update to 3.12.2?
2 Replies
Ragura3d ago
You can try this: https://nuxt.com/docs/api/commands/upgrade There's a force flag you can set.
nuxi upgrade · Nuxt Commands
The upgrade command upgrades Nuxt 3 to the latest version.
Nikhil Handa
Nikhil Handa2d ago
Force flag had the same problem as well. I had to manually bump the version in package.json but would love to understand why the CLI didn't work.