Railway3d ago

Is there a way to check metrics for a specific day?

Hey there, we discovered one of our services started to ramp up in RAM usage gradually over the past week and didn't spot it until today. We're trying to narrow down which commit caused this to start happening but because we can't view metrics for a specific day there doesn't seem to be a way for us to do some further research. Please advise.
5 Replies
Percy3d ago
Project ID: 19953c85-3aed-4faa-989e-4fb6c0b9d816
Sam3d ago
19953c85-3aed-4faa-989e-4fb6c0b9d816 ^^ For the above project the specific service causing the high RAM usage is hayya.
Brody3d ago
set the date range to 7d then mouse over the graph for specific information
Sam2d ago
Yeah but I made multiple commits within a few hours one week ago so they're all squashed together
Brody2d ago
railway doesn't provide a way to expand on a specific date range for the metrics, you would need to extract the data with the api