Railway sees old CNAME value and will not refresh

Project ID: 1403d8a3-d1fc-487a-9eac-065da725466c I am switching my main production domain from Heroku to Railway and in doing so adding the domain to Railway. Once I did Railway gave me a value to update. I made the change. Every CName checker I can find already has the updated information which shows Railway as the target however Railway still sees the old value and won't issue the certificate reporting that the value is incorrect. I think something might be cached on Railways DNS side. I created a second CName for the same domain 25 mins later and that one update perfectly in Railway almost immediately so it seems to be an issue when changing a pre-existing CName's value that is causing it to be stuck or slow. The CNAME is rexy.futurefictionacademy.com
So it just took a few mins to kick in. Thank you for your help
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6 Replies
Percy6d ago
Project ID: 1403d8a3-d1fc-487a-9eac-065da725466c
Brody6d ago
railway uses for the DNS lookup. remove the domain from railway and add it back
Joseph U.
Joseph U.5d ago
I deleted the domain rexy.futurefictionacademy.com and re-added it. It changed the CNAME value. But it still shows as incorrect and still shows an old CNAME on the DNS Incorrect value "deep-elderberry-dgv4chwdwcbcv4a7ifcplqei.herokudns.com" But the current CNAME showing for rexy.futurefictionacademy.com is Here is what it looks like when I run a Cname Lookup on rexy.futurefictionacademy.com (in pic) It seems like the deleting and putting it back in didn't change the cached value it is pulling.
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Joseph U.
Joseph U.5d ago
Ok all looks good now
Joseph U.
Joseph U.5d ago
So it just took a few mins to kick in. Thank you for your help
Brody5d ago
no problem!