Nuxt7mo ago

Primevue with Nuxt: some components did not install - what now?

Hello! I am trying to use Primevue with nuxt. I installed it via the nuxt-primevue module and configured it as described in the nuxt docs (see the attached screenshot). So far things were working, until I tried to use the Tabs, TabList, Tab, and TabPanels components from primevue. I got these errors: Failed to resolve component: Tabs - If this is a native custom element, make sure to exclude it from component resolution via compilerOptions.isCustomElement. One for each component. I looked in the node_modules/primevue folder, and sure enough, no code exists for those components, so even if I import them manually into my files, they won't be registered (I tried this). Why were they not installed? Do I have to install them or include them separately? What do you recommend? Thanks so much for any help you can offer!
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2 Replies
SpiKe.7mo ago
Last time i checked @primevue/nuxt-module it was using primvue@3, "Tabs" is only availabile in v4, in v3 you have to use TabView. edit: there seems to be an update now for v4 https://primevue.org/nuxt - may check if you have already upgraded to v4.
PrimeVue | Vue UI Component Library
The ultimate collection of design-agnostic, flexible and accessible Vue UI Components.
MadelineOP7mo ago
Ooo thank you, I will look into that!

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