Hey I have acne scars how can I get rid of them or make them look like more okay ? Its like crater

It affects my confidence overall If anyone experienced this before I would like to hear an advice.
21 Replies
Smiles7d ago
If you can you should see a dermatologist about them. They can almost certainly give you better recs (and access to stronger drugs) than people on the internet.
aewa7d ago
I did go to the dermatologist before he recommended to me to use roaccutane But I didnt use it because I had depression at that time And there was a lot of side affects But It was for my acne problem now I have acne scars I dont have a lot of acne on my face rn like 1 or 2 but the scars are there
StotheG77d ago
As silly as it seems, mostly just a question of being kind to yourself. I had acne and then after accutane regimens twice some scarring - took a while to realize most people only care about it as much as you do. Dermatologists can likely recommend something for skin repair, I have a cream with zinc oxide personally and have found that helpful but again trust a doctor vs people on the internet
aewa7d ago
I did some research some people says laser treatment also works but Its expensive and u need to do 5 to 6 sessions and some doctors says dermaroller works good also against acne scarring I try to be kind to my self I try to not eat sugary food and I dont drink any sodas anymore
StotheG77d ago
Can’t say I’ve seen those but again I’d stress to not read too much into anyone on the internet where many see a potential product sale - your best advice will be personal from your dermatologist.
aewa7d ago
and It works I dont have a lot of acne anymore
xmdot7d ago
that won't help with existing scarring.
aewa7d ago
ow yeah I agree
xmdot7d ago
see a dermotologist, there's things you can do, like microneedling or other treatments, but they're going to depend on your skin
aewa7d ago
yeah Im thinking to do microneedling at home also
xmdot7d ago
i would not do this
aewa7d ago
xmdot7d ago
have it done by a professional. if you're worried about the way your skin looks, doing these types of things without teh knowledge could potentially make things worse
aewa7d ago
Professional will rip me off also
xmdot7d ago
Counterpoint: A professional will do it properly
aewa7d ago
I can even buy a microneedling pen to my self the automatic one Yeah I understood your point thank you for the advice but there is a lot of people who is doing it to theirself and I dont have that much money to pay for a professional
Benji7d ago
I would see a dermatologist again If you only have Medicaid, I've heard it's frustrating finding someone but there are some doctors that take it
aewa7d ago
yea some doctors are Dont even care the doc see my back full of acne and Immediately said roaccutane what If I dont want to use it
Benji7d ago
Was your acne severe? I thought accutane was for severe acne. In any case, you can get a second opinion from a different doctor
aewa7d ago
maybe I will go there/ to the dermo yeah but I also keep researching treatments online
Benji7d ago
Dermo > researching treatments online Also there are different types of acne scars so there may not be a one size fits all solution for clearing them