Nuxt2w ago

sitemap module wont show dynamic routes, routes are empty

we tried to create on root ebene ( /server/api/sitemap/urls.ts ) the following
import { asSitemapUrl, defineSitemapEventHandler } from '#imports'

export default defineSitemapEventHandler(async () => {
const [pages, sub_pages, instructions] = await Promise.all([
$fetch("$cdnurl$/items/pages").then((p) =>
p.data.map((item) => ({
loc: item.slug,
_sitemap: "pages",
).then((sp) =>
sp.data.map((item) => ({
loc: `/support/${item.translations[0].slug}`,
_sitemap: "sub_pages",
).then((s) =>
s.data.map((p) => ({
loc: `/support/${p.translations[0].slug}`,
_sitemap: "instructions",

return [...pages, ...sub_pages, ...instructions].map((p) => asSitemapUrl({
return { loc: p.url, lastmod: p.updatedAt };
import { asSitemapUrl, defineSitemapEventHandler } from '#imports'

export default defineSitemapEventHandler(async () => {
const [pages, sub_pages, instructions] = await Promise.all([
$fetch("$cdnurl$/items/pages").then((p) =>
p.data.map((item) => ({
loc: item.slug,
_sitemap: "pages",
).then((sp) =>
sp.data.map((item) => ({
loc: `/support/${item.translations[0].slug}`,
_sitemap: "sub_pages",
).then((s) =>
s.data.map((p) => ({
loc: `/support/${p.translations[0].slug}`,
_sitemap: "instructions",

return [...pages, ...sub_pages, ...instructions].map((p) => asSitemapUrl({
return { loc: p.url, lastmod: p.updatedAt };
in the images you can see our nuxt config. its like we wont even get in to the urls.ts file
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18 Replies
Philip2w ago
this is how the sitemap for "pages" looks like for example
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manniL2w ago
@Philip a running reproduction would be helpful
Philip2w ago
https://support.utm-shop.de/ this is our live webpage do you want this?
Support für Sophos XGS, Central, AP, RED | UTMshop
Professionelle Unterstützung für Ihre Sophos-Produkte: Technischer Support✓ Fehlerbehebung✓ Einrichtungen✓ RMA✓
manniL2w ago
no, a full project website (or even a full project source code) is not helpful here In my spare time, I can't go through full projects (that's actually my day job 🙈 )
manniL2w ago
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Philip2w ago
i totally get this, but what can i provide what makes it easier for you to reproduce? you want a small version which you can just pull and reprodurce?
manniL2w ago
Philip2w ago
ahh i see
manniL2w ago
ideally a stackblitz so it can run online
Philip2w ago
i will try to do that thanks
manniL2w ago
^that's a good starting point
Philip2w ago
its just i dont really wanna publish our cdn or credentials and to reproduce everything will take ma ton of time 😦 Isnt there a better way? i get you, that you dont wanna reproduce all by yourself. But to create a new directus project cdn etc. just to reproduce this issue is a bit to much dont you think so? our project is quite big and there are some dependencies which are building on each other and i think to reproduce this case is almost like building the project again (4-5 month) a small version of it wouldnt reproduce the issue
manniL2w ago
What other option do you have in mind? I think a small reproduction just with the sitemap module and some fake data should work, no? and if this works as expected, it is no bug in the module
Philip2w ago
So i found the solution... the docu is not accurate... instead of this /server/api/sitemap/urls.ts i use this /server/api/sitemap.ts And use the Module in the nuxt.config like in the picture... the docs are not good
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Philip2w ago
import { asSitemapUrl, defineSitemapEventHandler } from "#imports";

export default defineSitemapEventHandler(async () => {
const [pages, subpages, instructions] = await Promise.all([
$fetch("CDN URL/items/pages").then((resp) =>
resp.data.map((item) => {
return {
_path: item.slug,
modifiedAt: new Date(),
$fetch("CDN URL/items/sub_pages?fields=*.*.*").then(
(resp) =>
resp.data.map((item) => {
let url = "/support";
url += item.category
? `/${item.category}/${item.translations[0].slug}`
: `/${item.translations[0].slug}`;

return {
_path: url,
modifiedAt: new Date(),
$fetch("CDN URL/items/Instructions?fields=*.*.*").then(
(resp) =>
resp.data.flatMap((item) => {
var url = "/support/" + item.translations[0].slug + "/anleitungen/";

return item.translations[0].instructions.map((instruction) => {
return {
_path: url + instruction.slug,
modifiedAt: new Date(),
return [...pages, ...subpages, ...instructions].map((p) =>
loc: p._path,
lastmod: p.modifiedAt,
import { asSitemapUrl, defineSitemapEventHandler } from "#imports";

export default defineSitemapEventHandler(async () => {
const [pages, subpages, instructions] = await Promise.all([
$fetch("CDN URL/items/pages").then((resp) =>
resp.data.map((item) => {
return {
_path: item.slug,
modifiedAt: new Date(),
$fetch("CDN URL/items/sub_pages?fields=*.*.*").then(
(resp) =>
resp.data.map((item) => {
let url = "/support";
url += item.category
? `/${item.category}/${item.translations[0].slug}`
: `/${item.translations[0].slug}`;

return {
_path: url,
modifiedAt: new Date(),
$fetch("CDN URL/items/Instructions?fields=*.*.*").then(
(resp) =>
resp.data.flatMap((item) => {
var url = "/support/" + item.translations[0].slug + "/anleitungen/";

return item.translations[0].instructions.map((instruction) => {
return {
_path: url + instruction.slug,
modifiedAt: new Date(),
return [...pages, ...subpages, ...instructions].map((p) =>
loc: p._path,
lastmod: p.modifiedAt,
here our rewritten code for the sitemap.ts ✅
manniL2w ago
@Philip would you consider sending a PR to improve the doc then? Wäre super 😋
Philip2w ago
ich gucke mal wie ich Zeit finde 😅 vllt habe ich doch etwas falsch gemacht und durch Zufall einen workaround gefunden. In einem anderem Projekt werde ich nochmal genau das machen was die docs sagen und sollte sich das nochmal bestätigen, dass es nicht funktioniert mit der Ordnerstruktur, dann mache ich einen PR versprochen.
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