Nuxt2w ago

Stop fetching favico on every request

Hi, How could I prevent fetching every request twice, once with the actual data I'm looking for, and once again looking for the favicon file? I should mention that I am using a layout that uses useSeoMeta as follows: const favicon = getPathTo('/favicon.svg') useSeoMeta({ ogType: 'website', ogLocale: locale, ogLocaleAlternate: locales, ogImage: favicon }) Using Nuxt@3.11.2, and issue occurs on Chrome (haven't tried other browsers atm). Issue also arises on a dynamic page (My pages folder contains a file with a dynamic name [slug].vue). Having those double requests actually causes issues on server side (500 error code) on repeat... Thanks in advance!
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6 Replies
manniL2w ago
did you set up the favicon app-wide?
Inès2w ago
Well I set it in nuxt.config.ts as follows: export default defineNuxtConfig({ app: { head: { link: [ { rel: 'icon', type: 'image/svg', href: './favicon.svg' } ] } }, Is there aynthing else I should do? Maybe worth mentioning, in my app I only have dynamic pages. Given that I have the following pages structure: -pages -list -[slug].vue And that I also use nuxt-i18n with a prefix strategy, I end up with URLs like: MY-APP-URL/en/list/name Then, when I navigate to one of those pages in the browser, it triggers a json request (that I can see on the Network tab) with the following url construction: MY-APP-URL/en/list/favicon.svg
manniL2w ago
but you want MY-APP-URL/favicons.svg, right?
Inès2w ago
Right in the nuxt.config? I'll try that in a few minutes and let you know
manniL2w ago
no no I mean, your favicon is not in "./favicon.svg" but "/favicon.svg" so try this 🙂
Inès2w ago
Oh right 👀 haven't noticed the extra dot, damn, will try that right away!! Works perfectly! Many thanks @manniL always good to have someone to see with brand new 👀 !
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