unicode character list

Hey, does anyone have an easy to navigate list/chart that shows the unicode strings of generic characters like a-z, question marks, brackets etc? I can't seem to find a good quality one, thanks in advance.
18 Replies
ἔρως2w ago
you can check the ascii-7 character encoding utf8 is just a superset of it
snxxwyy2w ago
ah thank you, i looked that up and it gave me this, this seems like it would be it right? https://www.ascii-code.com/
ASCII table - Table of ASCII codes, characters and symbols
A complete list of all ASCII codes, characters, symbols and signs included in the 7-bit ASCII table and the extended ASCII table according to the Windows-1252 character set, which is a superset of ISO 8859-1 in terms of printable characters.
ἔρως2w ago
yup, but dont use the extended set
snxxwyy2w ago
awesome, thank you, what's the extended set if you don't mind?
ἔρως2w ago
it's just special symbols that were added later, and multiple encodings use the last 127/128 characters for that there's ansi, windows-1250 to windows-1259 there's also the dos encodings there's iso-8859-x there's just so many for utf8, it uses the bit for the extended set for other things
snxxwyy2w ago
that is a lot haha, i appreciate the info, thanks, i'll look into it
ἔρως2w ago
you're welcome if you're using this, i bet it is for the @font thingy, then you should use a tool to check the characters that the font can display
snxxwyy2w ago
yeah it is for that haha, that would definitely be useful, is there any tools you could link me to?
snxxwyy2w ago
quick question, the unicode strings are based off of the hex value aren't they? so ! would be U+0021 right?
No description
ἔρως2w ago
i think so, yes im not sure
snxxwyy2w ago
alright no worries, i'll give it a test, thanks
ἔρως2w ago
you can check the syntax for it
snxxwyy2w ago
alright, i'll do that
dysbulic 🐙
dysbulic 🐙2w ago
On Linux you type Ctrl+Shift+U & you'll get a u̲ prompt that lets you type in the hex you want. On Windows, supposedly, the Alt key plus the decimal representation of a character entered on the numeric keypad gets you a glyph. Wikipedia recommends BabelMap on Windows for exploring Unicode. I use Gnome Characters on Ubuntu. There's also simply the Unicode.org pdf charts.
ἔρως2w ago
that's not what he wants what he wants is the character range for a font
Jochem2w ago
For future reference, please post in #discussions if you're looking for resources, this channel is to share resources you found only
snxxwyy2w ago
Alright, sorry, I didn’t realise
Jochem2w ago
no worries!
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