Filament2w ago

How to replace the reorder indicator?

When enabling reordering, the text Drag and drop the records into order. is shown. This comes from __('filament-tables::table.reorder_indicator'). Does anyone know how I can replace this text? I would like to state something like Drag and drop the :model into order..
6 Replies
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=filament-tables-translations
return [
'reorder_indicator' => 'new text..',
return [
'reorder_indicator' => 'new text..',
TK2w ago
@Leandro Ferreira problem is that it doesn't contain a variable atm. I want to make it universal. So for each different model I have another sentence, like so: 'reorder_indicator' => 'Drag and drop the :entity into order.' But since this translation is also used by Filament itself, it breaks when I add a variable.
publishing and customizing this view, I think.
TK2w ago
Hmm.. not the best solution, but it's a way. Any promise on this coming to Filament? As in, more control over these small labels overall through the application?
you can make a PR
TK2w ago
I know, but by definition this is a breaking change. I'll see what I can do