Railwayβ€’2w ago

connectivity Testing

Hello every one, I have a seemingly very simple question which I was not able to answer for my self. Also I should say that I'm new to railway. Started using it last Week or so. I have two simple Services where service A wants to talk to service B. I saw that in an private network every service has already a dns name assigned. Therefore I created a Variable for service A with the name from service B and vice versa. The url for the request in service A look something like
for my local machine ${process.env.name} will evaluate to localhost in railway it evaluates to the name I configured (I double checked this with logs). But beside my expectation these two services can't talk to each other. I clearly missing something here. Maybe someone can explain to me the networking in Railway Private Networks. In the Docs I saw something about only Ipv6 an no Ipv4 in Private Networks but I am not sure if this is the Problem. If I were using Docker or K8 I would now try to execute commands inside the Container to check the dns and or ping the other container to check if packages reaching its destination. I hope someone can shed some Light on this as I'm fairly lost at the moment πŸ˜… Thank you in advance.
are the two services in the same project within the same environment? if not, they need to be because that is how the private networks are scoped. is service B listening on IPv6? since it's a IPv6 only network, this is usually achieved by having the service listen on the host ::...
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4 Replies
Percyβ€’2w ago
Project ID: 845b8606-c58a-4950-8c12-cc01484b0da8
Paddyβ€’2w ago
845b8606-c58a-4950-8c12-cc01484b0da8 I now got an Error from the logs
ERROR [AppController] connect ECONNREFUSED fd12:4dc4:103a::a8:271c:914c:8000
ERROR [AppController] connect ECONNREFUSED fd12:4dc4:103a::a8:271c:914c:8000
Brodyβ€’2w ago
are the two services in the same project within the same environment? if not, they need to be because that is how the private networks are scoped. is service B listening on IPv6? since it's a IPv6 only network, this is usually achieved by having the service listen on the host ::
Brodyβ€’2w ago
your error indicates that the DNS lookup was successful, meaning the services are in the same project within the same environment, but I thought id mention the first point for anyone else that may come across this thread. point two is what your issue likely is from my experience of seeing that error