About the pricing of Cloudflare Access, how does it count "users"?

I want to use Cloudflare Access to block access of my domain and use a list of allowed mails set in Access Groups to allow the access. However I am not sure how many mails can I set within the free tier. If I have 100 email address then $7 per user exceeds 50 seems unreasonably too expensive. So how does it count the users actually?
9 Replies
EricOP9mo ago
If I set up 'emails ending in' [some condition] and 100 people log in once each, will this exceed the free tier?
Hard@Work9mo ago
IIRC it is per-user, per-auth method
EricOP9mo ago
hello @Hard@Work , could you help me to clarify that if I set 'emails ending in' (e.g. @company.com). And 100 people logged in with this method this month(once/per person). What is the usage count?
Hard@Work9mo ago
Are you using the OTP Provider, or do you have your own Auth Provider?
Erisa9mo ago
Its per unique email address, if the same email uses multiple auth providers its still the same user
Erisa9mo ago
If 100 people were active throughout the month you'd consume 100 seats. If you don't pay for a greater plan, you will hit errors past 50. Keep in mind that the $ per user on paid plans does NOT include the free usage, jumping from 50 to 51 is very expensive. Note also that you can get an "Access" plan with less features for $3 per user, instead of $7
No description
Erisa9mo ago
So with that plan, 100 user seats would set you back $300/mo
Hard@Work9mo ago
Ooh, TIL, thanks!
EricOP9mo ago
I see. Thank you. It seems this service is oddly expensive compared to other services CF provides.

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