How to get to django interactive shell?

Is there a way to connect to a django mange? IE running the interactive shell? How do people normally handle creating a superuser? I did it through a db migration (dump and restore). But is there some more native way? I am now in need of running some interactive shell code on the prod server. Or I would prefer to do it that way, as opposed to writing raw SQL. project id: 1b326884-0c17-43ed-9b52-f443662e8f50
railway run python createsuperuser railway run runs the command on your computer, but it does so with the service variables available to the pass in command...
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4 Replies
Joshie2w ago
Where percy? Did I break the bot too 🤣
Brody2w ago
railway run python createsuperuser railway run runs the command on your computer, but it does so with the service variables available to the pass in command
Joshie2w ago
Perfect, thank you. Works great 👍 (how do you mark answer?)
Brody2w ago
only mods / admins can mark a message as a solution