getHEaderWidgetColumns not works in resource view

In my resource view, i have a stats widget wit 5 boxes divided in 2 rows 3 and 2 i want 5 block in a row, so i added getHeaderWidgetsColumns() to my widget but it doens't works i want 5 columns only for this widget not for the otherd `` <?php namespace App\Filament\Resources\RepairResource\Widgets; use Filament\Widgets\StatsOverviewWidget as BaseWidget; use Filament\Widgets\StatsOverviewWidget\Stat; class RepairOverview extends BaseWidget { public function getHeaderWidgetsColumns(): int | array { return 5; } protected function getStats(): array { $quote = 165; $paid = 175; $costs = 120; $profit = $quote - $costs; $finalProfit = $paid - $costs; return [ Stat::make('Preventivo', $quote) , Stat::make('Incasso', $paid), Stat::make('Costi', $costs), Stat::make('Utile previsto', $profit), Stat::make('Utile effettivo', $finalProfit) ->description('7% decrease'), ]; } } ```
1 Reply
awcodes2w ago
Looking at the code. I don’t think you can change the columns on a stats overview widget. You might have to make a custom one.