Hy, did anyone has ever used this add-on :
I having some trobles for translate here, cause has no Multi language support, but i really apreciate the plugin,
So if anyone nows anything about, please let me know.
Approvals by Eighty Nine - Filament
This package allows you to easily implement approval flows in your Laravel Filament application.
9 Replies
It uses Laravels lang method so you can translate it yourself. Start with the file in resources/lang and place it in
and start translatingi tried, but instead of working the label keep like the image attached
i even tried to put on base path and change on my serviceProvider as :
public function boot(): void
Lang::addNamespace('filament-approvals', base_path('lang/pt_BR/filament-approvals'));
create this file in your project
What’s the path to the file?
I startedt o add translations to the plugin. What translations are you trying to replace/
hy, thaks a lot leandro and dennis, i did it .
But @toeknee have you translated the other parts, like the ones that are not seeking for lang ? like on the image attacheted
cause if it was my own resource should be easy, but this part is on vendor and are not seeking for lang
No I haven't I was just doing it as I was using the package. You can feel free to submit a PR adding the required translations 🙂
@toeknee could u Just show me how to do it ? So i can translate all to pt_BR and send the file here
Cause as the plug is on vender i cannot use translate method as on my own resources
What’s not working? You didn’t show any code? Leandro and me told you how to do it.
Anything I’m missing?