Rayban clubmaster, still worth for summer?

Found a great opportunity, need some advice if its still good option to get.
10 Replies
Talbot2w ago
I just scored a pair recently and I love them
Storm Crow
Storm Crow2w ago
I bought a pair maybe ten years ago. I wear them all the time and wouldn’t trade them for anything
sharloy2w ago
If you like them you should get them but they’re not a particularly popular look rn
ayoqna2w ago
It goes well with ivy/trad ensembles, so hell yeah!
miaiye2w ago
they will be back in style soon enough
jimi2w ago
I think it's a classic enough look that it won't ever really be OUT of style. like they might not be trending but they're also not ugly or unwearable I have a pair with prescription lenses and wear them all the time when I don't feel like putting in contacts for some of my trendier shades
StotheG72w ago
Adding to the group - I’ve had my pair about 6 years, they were certainly much trendier when I got them vs now but I still think they’re great shades and fit the look I prefer. Might consider polarized lenses as well - I wasn’t sold either way prior but glad I got them
J2w ago
i rock my clubmasters on a weekly basis i still think they’re cool 😎
Homebrew102w ago
I just got some, love them. Classic so don’t think you can ever go wrong
300bp2w ago
Thanks everyone for responses!