Custom Domain issue

I bought a domain at godaddy and used the custom domain on render but when i go at the url im getting redirected to railway with a message nothing here
6 Replies
Percy2w ago
Project ID: N/A
MantisInABox2w ago
Did you have the custom domain connected to Railway at any point? Have you removed it from any projects it was used on in railway, and ensured that your DNS records are correctly pointing to render? Also, when did you update your DNS records to point to Render?
Ashmit2w ago
Yes it was earlier on railway and i removed its dns records and first time i tried the url it was working fine but when i logged out it got redirected to railway Yesterday i updated the dns records
MantisInABox2w ago
GoDaddy is notoriously slow to update DNS. It can take up to 72 hours for DNS records to propogate across all servers, before it is fully configured.
Ashmit2w ago
okk..thank you for your help
Brody2w ago
locking, out of scope