20 euro higher payment

I received a payment of 27/28 euros on railway, I put the credit limit, why did I pay that price instead of 20 euros?
13 Replies
Percy2w ago
Project ID: N/A
RedStar ⭐(-w-)
Brody2w ago
what did you set your usage limit to?
Brody2w ago
and what was your invoice for?
RedStar ⭐(-w-)
I don't think he used that much memory
Brody2w ago
your usage did not exceed your set $15 limit $8.53 in resource usage is below $15
RedStar ⭐(-w-)
Ah, but in the old railway system there was an option to use loaded money, for example $5 for the hobby plan. And if you exceeded the limit you would take the money?
Brody2w ago
you're on the pro plan though
Adam2w ago
the pro plan does not use loaded credits, it must be paid for each month out of pocket
RedStar ⭐(-w-)
If so, back to the hobby plan Anyway, isn't there a good practice to reduce the consumption of the service in use?
Adam2w ago
Other than garbage collecting and not running a development server, no if a service needs the resources, it’ll use them