SPA mode brings up the menu at the beginning!

Friends, I have an app with several modules and when I go to any selection in the menu it always goes up or automatically scrolls to the top of the list, for example if I click on the lowest module in the menu it goes back to the top, it doesn't keep that in screen, is there a way to solve this, thank you very much! i click here and go to the top of the menu again! any idea about this problem? Thank you!
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3 Replies
TranceCode5d ago
???? Has this happened to anyone else or do you have any idea about the problem? thank you! I still can't solve this problem!
awcodes5d ago
It would make sense in non spa mode. Is this a custom navigation? The styling is certainly different than normal.
TranceCode4d ago
The only customized thing is basically the css style friend, but the rest is all generated as the filament components are generated... apart from that there is nothing else, it's like a new theme you could say, but always css nothing more. ..