My cutom theme was not woking in Production mode

Hello, I have create filament app. and i have use custom theme in that. but got error in production mode if i dont run npm run dev. my vite config import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import laravel, { refreshPaths } from 'laravel-vite-plugin' export default defineConfig({ plugins: [ laravel({ input: ['resources/css/app.css', 'resources/js/app.js', 'resources/css/filament/admin/theme.css'], refresh: [ ...refreshPaths, 'app/Filament/', 'app/Forms/Components/', 'app/Livewire/', 'app/Infolists/Components/', 'app/Providers/Filament/', 'app/Tables/Columns/', ], }), ], }) and my AdminPanelProvider ->viteTheme('resources/css/filament/admin/theme.css') I got the error, i already make build=> login:58 GET http://[::1]:5173/resources/css/filament/admin/theme.css net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSEDUnderstand this error login:58 GET http://[::1]:5173/@vite/client net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
is there a hot file in the public folder?
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4 Replies
is there a hot file in the public folder?
Tarun Korat
Tarun Korat3w ago
you should remove it in prod
Tarun Korat
Tarun Korat3w ago
Okay, Thank You very much @Leandro Ferreira . Now its works