Railwayβ€’3w ago

Encountered a random restart after using V2 runtime for a while

I was just randomly checking my deployment logs when I noticed a 'restart' out of nowhere. I checked sentry and there had been no errors, and I also checked my dev logs and the last command that was ran was at 7:02 PM (GMT+2) and that was just me running the ping command. I'm not sure if this is related to the runtime but it's the first ever time I've noticed it happen.
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I think that I can pretty much rule out that this is a railway issue. I'm 99% willing to bet it's bun because I just had a crash right now after running a command that gets some stats from bun
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61 Replies
Percyβ€’3w ago
Project ID: f8f1d4b6-1530-4b65-a444-67b8c86c5fca
codyβ€’3w ago
angeloβ€’3w ago
Duchessβ€’3w ago
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This thread has been escalated to the Railway team.
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Brodyβ€’3w ago
does this service have a volume?
codyβ€’3w ago
No The only service I have that has a volume is the db I can also provide my sentry logs if that's neccessary
Brodyβ€’3w ago
my bad anyway, i didn't notice the v2 runtime specific logs until after I asked
codyβ€’3w ago
These are the last sentry logs. Nothing crashed and it wouldn't make sense if it did because the last command was just !ping and it was 2 hours ago
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codyβ€’3w ago
@cody Can I push changes to github or should I not touch anything for now? I need to update my bun.lockb file because I forgot to update it in the last push Did i rlly ping myself Ok dyslexia thanks CC. @Brody, this was meant for u
Brodyβ€’3w ago
you can go ahead and push the changes, your app comes first
codyβ€’3w ago
Alright, tho the 'backup' is up and running rn so it's not as important I'm gonna watch the logs and see if any more restarts happen
Duchessβ€’2w ago
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This is bun right? I wouldn't be surprised if it just crashed outta nowhere for some reason
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codyβ€’2w ago
Yes, though this has never happened before, and I only noticed it happening after switching to the v2 runtime I just realized that was Jake commenting, lol
Brodyβ€’2w ago
yeah the bridge should really show the usernames
codyβ€’2w ago
So far so good, I haven't seen anything restart randomly
Brodyβ€’2w ago
I think that's just lucky, as far as I know they haven't looked into anything I wonder if they do keep track of things like exit code so they could tell you if this was your app exiting or an issue on their side
codyβ€’2w ago
That'd be nice if they did, because It would mean something is wrong when it shouldn't be
Brodyβ€’2w ago
unfortunately there's nothing I can do here, we would have to wait to hear back from a team member
codyβ€’2w ago
I ran it locally for like an hour and it didn't exit I suspect it may be something related to bun and the lockb file. It hasn't happened ever since I updated that Jake also said it could be a bun thing It's a possibility so I can't rule anything out for now. For all I know it has nothing to do with the v2 runtime
Brodyβ€’2w ago
it's very possible it is a bun thing
codyβ€’2w ago
Just that the timing could've been wrong and it seemed like v2 was the issue πŸ₯²
Brodyβ€’2w ago
it was a fair assumption, but we can't rule out either until it's looked into further
codyβ€’2w ago
Yeah Hey @Brody. This is a little offtopic but I wanted to know if there's a way to view the docker configuration railway automatically comes up with. I'm having issues with my Dockerfile again and I'm really lost
Brodyβ€’2w ago
not really, that's kinda abstracted away, but what issues are you having?
Brodyβ€’2w ago
codyβ€’2w ago
My dockerfile uses the latest version of bun, which would be 1.1.16, so I don't think that's the issue. It hasn't happened again, though yesterday I went back to the v1 runtime just to be safe Also speaking of the dockerfile, I'm trying to go back to my old architecture, which means compiling the typescript code first and then running it (dist folder), so bun doesn't eat away my ram, and the issue is that I simply don't know how to do that since railway used to manage it for me. I tried like 20 different setups and ultimately each of them either failed either on build or on deployment 🫠
Brodyβ€’2w ago
have you checked out buns docs on their recommendations for running in production?
codyβ€’2w ago
Yeah, I'm currently trying to build one based off of their example. I tried doing so yesterday (cough at 2am) but that didn't turn out well If I'm understanding docker docs and the guide correctly then it shouldn't be much work
Brodyβ€’2w ago
https://bun.sh/docs/bundler/executables#deploying-to-production in their example, the build command generates a myapp executable that should be well executed
pauldpsβ€’2w ago
I run multiple bun apps on Railway and haven't noticed random restarts AFAIK, but one thing you could do is have your app capture SIGnals and output to console when one happens (something like "Received signal..."), so that you can determine if Railway is sending signals to your app to kill it
Brodyβ€’2w ago
oh that's a great idea and on that note, capturing signals will only work if your app is executed directly, running an npm command to then start your app will cause the signals to be lost
pauldpsβ€’2w ago
I like capturing SIGINT (local Ctrl+C) and SIGTERM (sent by Railway on sleep/restart/etc) yeah that's true, I ended up doing a shell script to orchestrate my app start (the ones with things like database migration) and the shell script captures signals and outputs to console
Brodyβ€’2w ago
but also follow buns guide I linked, multiple people have reported it has saved them memory
codyβ€’2w ago
I used to do this too, but I removed it in the commit I made a month ago. I thought that It'd be to since I've never gotten any unexpected restarts or anything else that might lead to the app getting killed/crashing. I guess I can re implement it again but it hasn't happened again since I made this post and talked about it in #🎀|chit-chat I'm not concerned about saving memory that much, but I'd prefer it to run on 130mb on idle compared to the 250 it's running rn Locally it runs on 200 but for some reason on railway it's 250 well, once again dockerfile didn't work, wohoo
Brodyβ€’2w ago
dockerfiles always work, when written correctly πŸ™‚
codyβ€’2w ago
Well yeah. Mine works like 75%, then it just crashes saying it can't find dist Should I open another thread to get a little help with it
Brodyβ€’2w ago
I don't know too much about bun but sure!
codyβ€’2w ago
It's the same as npm, has practically no difference. My issue is just with paths and everything as I don't understand how docker works. #Errors with Dockerfile On a side note
codyβ€’2w ago
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codyβ€’2w ago
This happened
Brodyβ€’2w ago
i think its safe to say that this is your app crashing
codyβ€’2w ago
Yeah but these only happen on railway, not locally, which Is what makes me feel it has something to do with railway And this is on the v2 runtime. In more than half a year of using the platform this has never happened lol
Brodyβ€’2w ago
could be an issue with the new version of bun have you implemented signal catching yet? can you console log the HOSTNAME variable for me too?
codyβ€’2w ago
No, I'm finding it difficult to balance work and development, and I've also been pretty sick lately πŸ˜…
Brodyβ€’2w ago
get well soon πŸ™‚
codyβ€’2w ago
I can do that, yeah You do have a point. I've only noticed "weird" things when using bun I might make a separate branch that uses node to deploy on railway and see if that fixes it
Brodyβ€’2w ago
please do
codyβ€’2w ago
Bun is still relatively new so I understand it has its issues as well
Brodyβ€’2w ago
because at this point it really is looking like an issue with your application (bun)
codyβ€’2w ago
Bun seems like it's more trouble than it's worth lol
Brodyβ€’2w ago
at this point, I agree
codyβ€’2w ago
I'll have to change my dockerfile which will probably drive me nuts like the previous time. God forbid I'm doing that alone, I'll ask my friend for help πŸ₯²
Brodyβ€’2w ago
dockerfiles are fun when you get the hang of them far better than dealing with nixpacks
codyβ€’2w ago
True I should probably install docker desktop so I can stop making 20 commits every time I update my file I've been "testing" the changes on railway, and I realize that doing so was just causing me more problems
Brodyβ€’2w ago
docker desktop - that's a good idea
codyβ€’7d ago
I think that I can pretty much rule out that this is a railway issue. I'm 99% willing to bet it's bun because I just had a crash right now after running a command that gets some stats from bun
codyβ€’7d ago
It happened without any context and this has never happened on node. It does happen a few times when I run locally as well I spent quite a bit testing different scenarios and sure enough it just died It's going back to node tomorrow, I don't want more random crashes and restarts
Brodyβ€’7d ago
moving back to node is for the best
codyβ€’7d ago
Yeah I'm not gonna bother with bun anymore lol. Maybe in the future when it gets a lot better and stable but definitely not for now
Brodyβ€’7d ago
sounds good to me