How do I make .returning() return only the inserted value instead of array

Here I have createResource to insert a single record. The result from .returning is an array. I am using neon postgres db
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10 Replies
Tekipeps3w ago
In the return type, it also shows as array
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Sword Molester
It returns an array composed only of the records you've inserted in that query, no? If you know that there will be one record, since that is what you're inserting, just return createdResource[0]!
Tekipeps3w ago
okay, the return type is not specified in the docs. made me think something was wrong
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Sword Molester
I see, values is meant to take in (spread) array inside, so it works as intended, though I agree that it might be not very clear at the first glance.
kbemaster3w ago
I like to do the following, when I know I just return 1 element
const [insertedValue] = db.insert(table).values(someValue).returning()
const [insertedValue] = db.insert(table).values(someValue).returning()
Tekipeps3w ago
Ah i see
Sword Molester
With some sqlite drivers, you can add .get() to the query to specify that it's single or no records returned, that's what I usually do.
Tekipeps3w ago
.returning() always returns an array regardless
Sword Molester
Tekipeps3w ago
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