Using Filament Notification number in Frontpage notification icon

I just want to use the unread notification count to be used in bell icon present front end and when auth user clicks on it then is is routed dashbaord panel with notification sidebar open. Please help. I currently have filament dasbord with sliding bar notification panel in backend. How to proceed?
3 Replies
nanopanda2w ago
Are you using Laravel Database Notifications? See here:
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Laravel is a PHP web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
I think you can use auth()->user()->unreadNotifications->count() routed dashbaord panel with notification sidebar open try this in the LW component if you want to open the notification sidebar
$this->dispatch('open-modal', id: 'database-notifications');
$this->dispatch('open-modal', id: 'database-notifications');
Pritbor2w ago
thanks @Leandro Ferreira both do my job. thanks @nanopanda . I went thruogh this doc. just wanted filamentphp reusable options.