Nuxt8mo ago

Cannot read properties of null (reading 'insertBefore')

Hello guys, i have a problem with a site, locally it works fine but in production when i try to access a dynamic content that is fetched from an API like this url here (https://jumisluxury.mk/categories/6-sofas) i get this error TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'insertBefore') at insert (Bg-j_vi9.js:23:178) at y (Bg-j_vi9.js:19:35157) at C (Bg-j_vi9.js:19:34790) at F (Bg-j_vi9.js:19:37217) at A (Bg-j_vi9.js:19:36586) at v (Bg-j_vi9.js:19:35509) at C (Bg-j_vi9.js:19:34888) at Oi.$ [as fn] (Bg-j_vi9.js:19:38710) at Oi.run (Bg-j_vi9.js:15:1517) at G.d.update (Bg-j_vi9.js:19:39416) if i access this url with navigating from a button it works any suggestions?
Jumis Luxury
Jumis Luxury е водечки производител на мебел, кои нуди целосни ентериерни уредувања, од 3D визуелизација на проекти до целосно производство на мебел по мерка.
35 Replies
JockaOP8mo ago
i build the website using pnpm generate.
manniL8mo ago
to me that looks like a hydration error
JockaOP8mo ago
is there a way to solve it? and what does that mean?
JockaOP8mo ago
JockaOP8mo ago
here is the full component from that route
manniL8mo ago
ah, in the code I already see a few things like that you don't use useFetch or useAsyncData
JockaOP8mo ago
i will watch the full video right away. so instead of $fetch i need useFetch?
manniL8mo ago
Data fetching · Nuxt
Nuxt provides composables to handle data fetching within your application.
manniL8mo ago
"it depends" 🙂 The docs should explain in which scenario you should use which
manniL8mo ago
also suggesting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njsGVmcWviY to avoid overusing useFetch 🙂
Alexander Lichter
You are using useFetch WRONG! (I hope you don't)
💪🏻 useFetch is a mighty composable to fetch data in your Nuxt.js application. It can do so many things, from updating state to refreshing calls easily and even data caching is possible. But often I see that people misuse useFetch because it is so tempting to use all the features, even when you shouldn't. In this video I show the most common mist...
JockaOP8mo ago
will watch this as well and one more thing, since i want the useSeoMeta to be added from the api call data, is the way i'm doing correct or wrong? since when i send for example a link i do not see the meta from the server, but the default meta.
manniL8mo ago
it'll be easier + more clear with useFetch 🙂 it should be also correct on the server then
JockaOP8mo ago
did not understand this last one i'm using Laravel Server and the frontend is built with pnpm generate does this mean something or not?
manniL8mo ago
server as in "during generation" if you use static site generation
JockaOP8mo ago
I just watched this whole video and it looks great, but the problem is that i do not get why is my way of doing it with $fetch wrong? in my case i only want to solve the problem that is caused when you refresh a component that loads data from a server. And the error i get is nothing like the errors that are explained in the first video, so i'm a bit confused what should i do to solve it.
Timar8mo ago
The problem is that when navigating to the page the data from fetch is not there - error. And your code is not made either 1. wait for data, not throw error or 2. Fetch data and save it during generate so it doesn't have to be downloaded again
JockaOP8mo ago
can you give me advice on how to solve it? how can i make it to wait for data? any help would be appreciated.
manniL8mo ago
so, do you want to have the data available in the HTML you generate?
JockaOP8mo ago
yes, i would like to use the current setup with pnpm generate while i escape this error that i get on refreshing the page where the dynamic route is fetched
const fetchProduct = async () => {
loadingProduct.value = true;
const { productSlug } = route.params;
const data = await $fetch(`/products/${productSlug}`, {
baseURL: config.public.apiBaseUrl,
product.value = data.product;
otherProducts.value = data.otherProducts;
loadingProduct.value = false;

onMounted(async () => await fetchProduct());
const fetchProduct = async () => {
loadingProduct.value = true;
const { productSlug } = route.params;
const data = await $fetch(`/products/${productSlug}`, {
baseURL: config.public.apiBaseUrl,
product.value = data.product;
otherProducts.value = data.otherProducts;
loadingProduct.value = false;

onMounted(async () => await fetchProduct());
for example something like this, how i should rewrite it in order to be working fine. and should i put ssr: false if i use pnpm generate to have a SSG site?
manniL8mo ago
no unless you want an SPA if you need SEO you should not disable SSR
JockaOP8mo ago
aham, yes indeed
manniL8mo ago
the problem with SSG is that your data (relevant for SEO) will always be "outdated" and fixed to the point of building even if you load/refresh them on the client
JockaOP8mo ago
so in order to have a better SEO i need SSR instead of SSG to get the dynamic data as the SEO meta data? btw the problem when i disable ssr: false is now gone that i explained above, if that means something
manniL8mo ago
yes, that's correct because you don't have any hydration anymore 🙂 static data + SEO = SSG dynamic data + SEO = SSR no SEO needed = SPA
JockaOP8mo ago
Perfect explained, thank you so much.
manniL8mo ago
that's the basic decision tree IMO you are welcome!
manniL8mo ago
Michael and I discuss that there a bit more
JockaOP8mo ago
const fetchProduct = async () => {
loadingProduct.value = true;
const { productSlug } = route.params;
const data = await $fetch(`/products/${productSlug}`, {
baseURL: config.public.apiBaseUrl,
product.value = data.product;
otherProducts.value = data.otherProducts;
loadingProduct.value = false;

onMounted(async () => await fetchProduct());
const fetchProduct = async () => {
loadingProduct.value = true;
const { productSlug } = route.params;
const data = await $fetch(`/products/${productSlug}`, {
baseURL: config.public.apiBaseUrl,
product.value = data.product;
otherProducts.value = data.otherProducts;
loadingProduct.value = false;

onMounted(async () => await fetchProduct());
also how can i rewrite this with useFetch in order to fix the issue? or is using useFetch not going to solve my problem now?
manniL8mo ago
try sth like this
<script setup>
const productSlug = route.params.productSlug;
const { data, status, refresh } = useFetch(() => `/products/${productSlug}`, {
baseURL: config.public.apiBaseUrl,
const product = computed(() => data?.product)
const otherProducts = computed(() => data?.otherProducts)

onMounted(() => refresh());
<script setup>
const productSlug = route.params.productSlug;
const { data, status, refresh } = useFetch(() => `/products/${productSlug}`, {
baseURL: config.public.apiBaseUrl,
const product = computed(() => data?.product)
const otherProducts = computed(() => data?.otherProducts)

onMounted(() => refresh());
JockaOP8mo ago
thank you let me check
manniL8mo ago
untested 🙂 but you get the idea
JockaOP8mo ago
yes sure, sorry for bothering you
manniL8mo ago
np 👍

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