How much does it cost to deploy Flask app Docker image to Google Cloud Run / Railway?

- minimum range to maximum range, and most probable range - how competitive and reliable the cost is between gcloud and railway? I'm spending $30/mth on railway for django+celery+pg+redis constant run My key questions is the simplicity in: - cost management - load balancer - custom url - environment variable management - production update, code pull and push, versioning
How much does it cost to deploy Flask app
I know you're asking for most probable, minimum and maximum cost but it's extremely extremely hard to say because it depends on many many factors. It's like asking how much you'd pay for Gas every month for a car, that depends entirely on how much you drive, how far you drive, how much you drive uphill etc.. ...
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2 Replies
Percy3w ago
Project ID: N/A
Fragly3w ago
How much does it cost to deploy Flask app
I know you're asking for most probable, minimum and maximum cost but it's extremely extremely hard to say because it depends on many many factors. It's like asking how much you'd pay for Gas every month for a car, that depends entirely on how much you drive, how far you drive, how much you drive uphill etc.. I won't be able to provide an estimate here, I don't use Python either so I can't really give any examples of costs I have for my flask apps
Google Cloud Run vs Railway
Railway's pricing is as follows: - 20 usd per vCPU per month - 10 usd per GB RAM per month Google Cloud Run's pricing is as follows: - 46.656 usd per vCPU per month - 5.18 usd per GB RAM per month ( converted per-second to per-month ) From this we can deduce that Railway is a lot cheaper for CPU intensive apps but a bit more expensive for memory intensive apps
Answering these out of the context of Railway, I can't compare these to Google Cloud Run since i've never used Google Cloud Run and therefor wouldn't know - Cost Management - Railway lays out all the costs for you very neatly, you can see which service is costing you money, and in what way (egress, ram, cpu, etc) - Load Balancer - You can easily load balance on Railway via replicas (round robin), you just say how many replicas and Railway does the rest - Custom URL - You can add a custom url on Railway by adding the domain in your service settings and then adding the corresponding CNAME on your DNS settings, Railway provisions SSL for you automatically - Environment Variables - You can add all environment variables your app needs in the Service Variables tab, it comes with features such as being able to share environment variables between services - Updating - Railway automatically hooks up to your github repo and listens for updates and deploy those updates for you with zero downtime, you don't even need to open Railway to update your app - Railway also maintains a history of versions which you can easily rollback to in case of an emergency Simplicity is where Railway excells at, Railway wants to make deploying and running your code as easy of a process as possible