Product card feedback

I need some feedback before merging with prod, give me your rating?
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6 Replies
Tiny Thor
Tiny Thorβ€’2w ago
Looks pretty good in the screenshot. How responsive is it for mobile viewports and such?
Aliβ€’2w ago
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ghostmonkeyβ€’2w ago
looks pretty good I think, although maybe 'large' for a card. One experiment you can try is to swap the card bg, and the main bg colors, so that the darkest color is the lowest / furthest back
Aliβ€’2w ago
true, but it is big change for now to swap the bg colors
Aliβ€’2w ago
Pushed the changes to the prod
Indie Starter
Indie Starter
Quick setup, easy to customize and expand to fit various project requirements.
vinceβ€’2w ago
Looks great Ali!! Really well done, hope your app becomes a huge success 😺 The link styles are really cool too 😎