Novuβ€’3w ago

Cannot open 'Layouts' tab

When I click on Layouts on the novu dashboard, my page just blinks and go back to Workflows. I tried chrome, safari and firefox. Incognito. Cleared cache. Nothing works.
15 Replies
Ask Inkeep
Ask Inkeepβ€’3w ago
Hi @Gabriel, I'm an AI assistant for Novu. While a team member reviews this question, I'll see if I can find relevant sources for your question. ----------------------------- While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful: * Filter layouts * Template Store * VanillaJS * Concepts -----------------------------
Ask Inkeep
Ask Inkeepβ€’3w ago
Answer It appears there might be an issue with your specific setup or a potential bug with the Novu dashboard. While the documentation does not provide a direct solution to this issue, you might want to check for any updates or patches that have been released. If the problem persists, consider reaching out through official Novu support channels for further assistance. For now, you can also review the Layouts documentation to ensure your API usage aligns with the expected configurations (1) , (2) .
Ask Inkeep
Ask Inkeepβ€’3w ago
Got it. Tagging @Support for additional help.
Tomer Barnea
Tomer Barneaβ€’3w ago
Hey @Gabriel apologies, is this something you face in novu cloud or self hosted?
Gabrielβ€’3w ago
novu cloud
Tomer Barnea
Tomer Barneaβ€’3w ago
Got it, thanks for reporting this, let me reach out to the team and comeback to you with a solution. Apologies for the inconvincible again.
Gabrielβ€’3w ago
thanks a lot ! also congrats, you guys are QUICK
Tomer Barnea
Tomer Barneaβ€’3w ago
haha, trying to πŸ˜„
Gabrielβ€’3w ago
I found this because I need to change a layout, but while clicking around I found out now the same behavior on the "Inbound webhook" tab
Tomer Barnea
Tomer Barneaβ€’3w ago
@Gabriel can you please check both again?
Novu_Botβ€’3w ago
@Tomer Barnea, you just advanced to level 25!
Gabrielβ€’3w ago
again, you guys are really fast, congrats on that!!! Both working fine, thanks a lot !! πŸ˜„
Novu_Botβ€’3w ago
@Gabriel, you just advanced to level 1!
Tomer Barnea
Tomer Barneaβ€’3w ago
Happy to, let me know if we can help in something else.
Gabrielβ€’3w ago
all good now, thanks!
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