Does Table Query Support Double Query? Or Filament Bug? Or Issue On Code?
i created custom page and set query on the table also have an action. You guys can refer to my picture below
i have 3 model Application, Event and EventItem
the relationship between them are Event Hasmany EventItem and Application Belongsto EventItem
My goal from query is to achieve when the table only display data in 2 condition :
1. attribute application_status_id is 22 from model Application and no record application_id from model application in table event_items
2. have record application_id along together with attendance_status_id is 3 in table event_items.
My problem is. when i select 1 record only , it took all the record together. Im using bulkaction
any ideas ?

1 Reply
I am really stuck over here ? Does my code is issue or maybe some filament bug from collection that connot handle 2 query?