popularity battle points
Hey i didnt get enough points which i saw i was about to get please check it for me ! Any PUBG MOBILE TEAM MEMBER

Solution:Jump to solution
You can refer to the following information regarding point calculations:
1. The winner can claim 50% of their opponent's points
2. Battle Points = Basic Points + Looted Points. Basic Points increase with the amount of Popularity gained. The more Popularity lost by the loser, the greater the number of points the winner can loot...
17 Replies
My opponent was on PK6 & i was on PK5
I had 170k popularity

What is this? The amount of the popularity you received or the amount of the popularity that you received on top of what your opponent received?
Thats Battle Point that you received , not including the looted 50% if you win
That would be 50% of what my opponent received?

Was mean to send this but i got timed out 🗿, probably because the link
I will pm you the Pop Battle calculator
@오이 샐러드
Nvm you restricted the DM option only for friends
Would be nice
I sent you request
PM me too @Overlord
Got it thankyou appreciate it bro
Can you send me too I wanna know how it works exactly last year I registered and didn’t get to the pk level I wanted
You can refer to the following information regarding point calculations:
1. The winner can claim 50% of their opponent's points
2. Battle Points = Basic Points + Looted Points. Basic Points increase with the amount of Popularity gained. The more Popularity lost by the loser, the greater the number of points the winner can loot
Feel free to contact the customer service if you need further assistance.
2.01m- (42)
Calculation For Points
X = Your Points
Y = Opponent Points
EP = Earned Points
EP = X + (Y/2)
@ŠG I need 17 points in team popularity battle . So how much popularity 4 of us should take