RpcRetryingCallerImp while trying to connect JanusGraph with Hbase 2.2.7 under Cloudera Distribution
I am new to using JanusGraph and I am trying to integrate JanusGraph version 0.6.4 with Kerberized HBase 2.2.7, which comes under the Cloudera Distribution 7.9.1. I had to use an earlier version of JanusGraph since the compatibility matrix specifies that JanusGraph is tested compatible with HBase 2.2.x.
I am using the following configuration to get a 3-node HBase cluster to interact with JanusGraph. However, when I try to start the server, I encounter the following loop, and as a result, the server does not start.
I installed JanusGraph on one of the cluster nodes, specifically at, and I am trying to run it there. I am not sure how to go about solving this, and I presume ZooKeeper is connected but HBase can’t due to Kerberos authentication.
Core configs of gremlin-server.yaml:
In conf/janusgraph-hbase-config.properties:
1 Reply
from memory, I manage to have hbase kerberised with this zookeeper conf
at a moment, i needed to open hbase port 16020
I don't know if it can help