How to match border height of element

I have 2 links inside a container in the picture. The markup looks something like this:
<a class="primary-cta">Link 1</a>
<a class="secondary-cta">Link 2</a>
<a class="primary-cta">Link 1</a>
<a class="secondary-cta">Link 2</a>
And the styles are something like this:
footer {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
gap: 1rem;
footer {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
gap: 1rem;
You'll see that the seconday-cta is slightly bigger because of the border around it. The secondary-cta link is about 50px height, and the primary-cta link is about 48px height. I've tried setting a min-height on the primary-cta to 100% but no dice. I know this is a simple issue but I seem to struggle with it a lot
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21 Replies
theoriginalandrew•3w ago
2 ways you could tackle this - you could add box-sizing: border-box on the anchors or you could calculate the amount for the top/bottom height of the border and add that to the height of your primary button
b1mind•3w ago
take off the align-items center it should match heights shouldn't need it anyway?
theoriginalandrew•3w ago
yeah possibly - can we see what the code looks like for the buttons themselves?
vince•3w ago
Oh duh... yes b1 was right with align-items: center... should have figured that one out 😅 thanks for the replies guys
theoriginalandrew•3w ago
ohhh thats the footer styles yup lol
vince•3w ago
Yea sorry lol I should have included more code but didn't want to copy and paste my whole thing in there It's a footer to the hero ahha
theoriginalandrew•3w ago
lol all good 😄
b1mind•3w ago
na that is a odd quirk honestly xD
vince•3w ago
Yea you'd think display: flex would stop its items' heights from 'stretching' automatically without align-items on it since it does it with width lol
b1mind•3w ago
This is one those things where I found grid auto-flow column to be nicer than flex #depends causxe you have align-content
theoriginalandrew•3w ago
i mean "flex" and "stretch" are the same 😉 😉 😉 plus you can also just do place-items: center; for grid and that is so much better
vince•3w ago
i've been using grid more lately 😎
theoriginalandrew•3w ago
vince•3w ago
I actualyl don't even know why I had align-items on it anyway I think I'll just take it off completely
theoriginalandrew•3w ago
though writing conditional grid layouts are not fun
vince•3w ago
i dont even wanna think about that lolll
theoriginalandrew•3w ago
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vince•3w ago
Ohhh that actually doesn't look that bad, just tedious and code organization probably gets thrown out the window with that a little bit
theoriginalandrew•3w ago
literally just a toggle for a 1px divider 😄
b1mind•3w ago
I've been doing some with [data-sets] because Prismic sends them already. its pretty nice actually >.>;;
theoriginalandrew•3w ago
also just converting from CSS-in-JS to classes only is also a nightmare 🙂